Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Yippy dog update

Fluffy's back.

Only its name isn't Fluffy. It's Charlie. We unlocked our door tonight, and we heard the yipping, and "Shhhhhhh, Charlie! Shhhh!"

Only Charlie doesn't shhhh. Charlie yips more.

Now, when we open our door, we know to hate Charlie. When we close our door, it's Charlie who's yipping. When we make any noise whatsoever too close to our door, it's Charlie who notices. Charlie. Charlie.

At least they didn't ruin it by naming it our dog's name; I'm glad it's Charlie. Not unlike the kid in school you hated and thus can't name any child or dog with the same name, Charlie would've ruined my life if his name were Mr. Big. Just sayin'. I called it. No yippie dog is going to ruin that for me.

Not that we have a dog. But someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was going to give you a certain amount of time and then ask for the Yippy Update - thanks for the pre-emptive strike.