Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I like my hair.

Could I do this, get my hair cut off?

No. I had a hard enough time with the hair cut I got a few weeks ago. I'm just now able to put my bangs behind my ears with no help of bobby pins or barettes.

But for a $1 million? OK, if you put it that way. Natalie Portman is famous, so I bet she can get a bunch of wigs for free, so that wouldn't be too bad. But Natalie, you're young, you're kind of a big deal. That was a brave move. Hair is a girl thing. It's something some girls can't let go of. Me, I personally am A.) afraid my head's shaped funny, and I'd never know until it was too late, B.) too much of a girl to actually get a pixie cut.

(Confession: Sometimes, late at night, I lay awake and get scared that the only hairstyle I'll have when I'm 65 will be a pixie-like cut, and I cry a little bit.)

About a month ago, "Fear Factor" had an episode where girls had to have their heads shaved to move on to the next round. Of the three girls, two refused. Are you kidding?! $1 million will buy a sweet wig.

I'm not one of those girls who'd eat anything for $20. Nope. I am one of those girls who would shave her head for $1 million.


Anonymous said...

I'd do just about anything for $1 million!! I'd even eat my vegetables!

Anonymous said...

You don't need to put "a" before "$1 million," any more than John Casper, Jr. should be using a phrase like "most winningest."