Sunday, March 12, 2006

New local band to fall in love with

Our friends have about come and gone. About, because we're waiting to go eat our good-bye breakfast. But, as predicted, the weekend went too quickly. Yesterday, they asked to do what we normally do on the weekend. We thought that they'd be bored by the naps and the watching of the Woody Allen movies, so we faked it and went shopping, and then on a tour of Oshkosh.

Ten minutes later (kidding), we went to Cranky Pat's again, and saw Tim Schweiger of your favorite band and mine, The Blueheels, do a solo show. It was no Blueheels, but it was great anyhow. By the way, they're playing March 30 at the King Club in Madison, where my favorite Toledo band, Rediscover, played a few weeks ago. But I'm so sure it's on a Thursday. Boo-urns. Anyhow.

Then came Appleton's The Wandering Sons -- which was awesome. Awesome. They've got a folky, bluesy sound; something I've not really ... um, enjoyed in a lot of bands. But it was awesome. Did I say that yet? They're playing at Tom's Garage in Appleton March 23. Will I be there? I'm 71 percent sure I will be. Yessss.

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