Tuesday, March 21, 2006

By George, look at the time

I'm gonna admit something on here that I don't like to do: When The Simpsons first came on the air, the only thing I remember about it is my elementary school principal made the Kentucky and Cincinnati Enquirers because he outlawed any Simpsons stuff: shirts, folders, notebooks, backpacks, lunchboxes, etc., because Bart said "Eat my shorts."

So, I had my second-ever* (yes, ever) moment of "oh, my God, look at the time" moment today when I read The Simpsons were getting renewed for its 18th and 19th seasons. I don't remember many other times when I've actually could sense myself getting old -- but 18th and 19th seasons?! That's almost 20 years. (I am s-m-r-t.)

Ah, it seems like only yesterday when a balding man with big ears and huge teeth stood in front of the school and said "No Simpsons stuff," in his "I'm a princi-PAL" shirt, complete with a caricature of himself on it. That shirt scarred me more than The Simpsons ever would.

*The first was when I woke up in a cold sweat, heart pounding, and realized I have a 401(k). Whoa. SCA-ry.

(Photo: From Fox.)

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