Monday, March 6, 2006

Fired so fast your head will spin.

So what's the deal with Ivanka Trump? What does she know about being an apprentice? I have a hard time believing that someone whose name pops up on "" second in a Google search knows anything about important business decisions.

But, hey. I could be wrong.

But I doubt it. Yeah, on tonight's episode of "The Apprentice", she asked questions about product brand and leadership skills. But come on. It's TV.

And what's it like to be Ivanka Trump? I'm pretty sure it's got to be fabulous. Think of the perks: the money, the built-in fame, the walk-on roles in "The Apprentice."

So what would it be like if I got to be an assistant to my dad? Ha. I don't think it'd work out. He's no Trump.

1. Erin goes to work with Randy Niese, who shall always be referred to as Randy Niese, not The Randy or even Randy. Just Randy Niese.

2. He also does not have bad hair. More like few hairs.

3. We go Robbins Sports Surfaces, which is our version of the Trump towers. We go into the conference room, this tiny little room with a coffee maker and a motivational chart that uses words such as "excell," "perserverence" and other $5 words that remind us all of the posters with pictures of eagles flying over mountains from our high school guidance counselor's office. The room smells vaguely of stale coffee and burnt Lean Cuisine meals.

4. No TV show. No viewers. No one cares.

Basically, it wouldn't work. I feel cheated. Why can't my dad be famous and rich and have his own TV show?


Anonymous said... you can see through her dress! Since when are you into the porn trade =)

Anonymous said...

Much better =)