Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Why you haven't seen me around for a while ...

Rumors were flying. "She's lost a finger in a mining accident, and can't type anymore." "She's joined a rock band as a triangle-player and won't be back until the tour's over." "She grew tired of blogging."

No, none of that is true. The triangle-player thing would be sweet, though.

But, my friends, this here is the reason you haven't been getting your three-times-a-day Erin fix lately. Apparently, starting a new publication takes time, work, sweat and braun. You didn't know so much physical labor went into laying out a section, did you? Now you feel bad for making fun of me for running out of breath after climbing the stairs.


OK, Living Well. At least click on this link, if only so you can say, "Hey, Erin, uh, neat." Because it is neat.

The stories are cool, if I can say so myself. Our health reporter, Krista Ledbetter, wrote this story on babies and parents communicating through sign language before the tots learn to talk. The boy on the cover is signing "milk." Genius. Pure genius. Couldn't have said it better myself.

And I'll return you to your regularly scheduled blogging momentarily. And by "momentarily," I mean not tonight, because I'm going to bed. But perhaps tomorrow.

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