Thursday, April 20, 2006

Wait. What just happened?

One minute I'm enjoying some "Beating Heart Baby" from Head Automatica, the next moment, I'm thinking "Hey, new song," and I innocently click the link.

And it's terrible.

No, it's worse.

What happened? Where's my "make me dance, and I NEVER dance (unless it's Rediscover)" music? I went to iTunes, thinking it was just a fluke. This sappy, slow, nasally voiced man can't be my beloved Head Automatica. Nooo! Say it isn't so! I want angry-white-boy dance music, not white boy soul. Come on! We already have those singers.

It's not bad music on its own, I guess. But it sounds like everything I've ever heard from guys like Fall-Out Boy and stuff. Not really my thing. I was warned. But I wasn't prepared. Someone could've told me; I would've gotten the duct tape and plastic sheets out.

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