Monday, April 3, 2006

Puppy photo, you are the only happy thing about this post.

One day, I will die. Hopefully, it's like, 70 years from now. But when I do, and my friends are sitting there thinking A.) "Man, we are almost 100," and B.) "How can we remember Erin?", I want them to never, ever, ever think it's a good idea to put me up on this.

Mere days after I wrote about the creepiness of networking sites, I come across this one. Come on. Seriously. No one needs this. It makes finding random childhood neighborhood kids you knew in the '80s seem completely normal.

It's a compilation of pages of people who've died. You have a Myspace page, you die, your last blog, or someone else's blog about you, gets put up on

What sicko sat around and thought this up? "Hey, some kid in Baltimore just died of an asthma attack. I wonder what the last thing he blogged about was?" No. That has never entered my mind.

In case you're wondering, the site also includes links to the person's Myspace page. I clicked on one just to see if it worked, and had to close the window before it was finished loading. I don't want to know what some dead guy in California had up as his profile song before he died.

"Oooh, 'Stairway to Heaven,' man -- do you think it meeeans anything?" wonders some stoner in Boise, Idaho.

Yeah. It means he liked that song. Now stop being creepy.


(Photo: I put up a photo of a puppy because I needed something happy and cute to look at so I didn't feel like throwing up. Death is not happy and cute. Unless it's Death Cab for Cutie. But that's a whole 'nother blog entirely.)

1 comment:

Krista said...

That is the worst, creepiest, most disturbing thing I've ever heard of.