Monday, April 3, 2006


I'm not going to sugarcoat this: I'm homesick. I may be 20-something, but hey. It happens.

But see, I'm one of those busy kind of people; if I'm watching TV, I'm also on the Internet or reading a book. If I'm playing Nintendo, I'm also listening to music. A movie's on when I'm sleeping. I'm watching blogging now while I'm eating and doing laundry and watching "The Apprentice." If I'm not at work, my mind's at work. And when I'm doing these things, I'm perfectly happy. It's when I stop and do nothing that I get homesick. Needless to say, I only feel homesick at night, or on a Sunday, when I don't do anything but sit and relax.

And I lurve Wisconsin; I really do. It's not like I've moved around the world. It's the Midwest. I get it. Ohio and Wisconsin aren't far away physically or in characteristics. But it's not the same, sometimes.

Buuuut ... drum roll, please ... Mom's coming. She's coming into town in a few weeks. Two-and-a-half to be exact. I just found out about 10 minutes ago. She called to surprise me. Well, it's a surprise that comes with a two-week notice. But I was still surprised. Heck yes -- Girl time. Shopping. Mom!

Now these next two weeks are going to go really, really slowly. Oh, man.

(Photo: When you Google "Mom," that's the first image that comes up; it's only a coincidence that I'm incredibly short and she's the mom from "George Shrinks."

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