Sunday, April 23, 2006


This weekend was awesome. Mom flew up (yeah, flew!), and we had two-and-a-half days to spend doing nothing but girl things. We painted our toenails, we shopped, we laughed, we played Dr. Mario ... it was magical. But the best thing: We got her a mother-of-the-bride dress.

I realize that living eight hours away means I can't be there for everything. I can't be there when she remodels the kitchen. For parties. For Sunday suppers. But I was a little jealous at everyone else who was volunteering to go shopping with my mom for a dress to wear to my wedding. It's my wedding. Me, her only daughter.

But Mom's like me, in that she's picky about clothes, and when she has an idea of what she wants, she goes after that, and when she doesn't find it, she gets angry and frustrated. This usually leads to watery eyes and a few heavy sighs, and we leave the mall angry with the fashion world. But this time, we got lucky. There was no bad dressing-room experiences. Yesss.

And, since we got that out of the way early in the weekend, we had all day Saturday to shop. Being her only daughter, and she being one of three or four people I can stand to shop with all day, it was great. All that girl stuff ... if you're a girl, you know what that means. If you're a boy, you're bored right now.

And we made dinner (yeah, IN A CROCK POT -- NO MACARONI AND CHEESE), and hung out, and drank some wine. And then today my fiance and I had to drive her to the Milwaukee airport. Oh, my God. Talk about "Erin driving" being a bad idea. I was crying from Milwaukee to Fond du Lac (like, what? An hour or something, for those of you for which that holds no meaning).

And now it's so quiet. And I have to go to work tomorrow. Boo-urns. Boo. Urns.

(Photo: My standard Mom picture, from

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Erin,
Just wanted to let you know that I saw a picture of your mom's dress on Saturday. Nice choice!! She really enjoyed her visit with you and Dave.

Heard you might be in Ohio over Memorial Day! 4 more weeks!!
Take care,