Wednesday, May 31, 2006

These are my embarrassing but true Gin Blossom confessions

I just wanted everyone to know: The Gin Blossoms are coming. Repeat, Gin Blossoms are coming, tomorrow night. Erin will be there. Good times will be had. Flashbacks to fifth grade will be enjoyed by no one, experienced by all who are my age.

True Gin Blossoms story No. 1:
I like the band. I'm sorry. I cannot tell a lie.

True story No. 2:
You know those two-song cassette tapes, sold for 99 cents back in the day? Well, I was staying for a few days with my older, hipper cousin back in '93 or '94, and she had one of the Gin Blossoms' singles. I'd never heard it, but because I wanted to be just like her, I dubbed the song onto a tape from the top 8 at 8. Years later, her tape would turn up on a garage sale, and I'd wonder who'd pay 50 cents for a song they could dub from KISS FM. Now, I feel kind of bad about being that nerdy.

True story No. 3:
I've had "Follow You Down" in my head since late April.

True story No. 4:
When I interviewed Scott Johnson from the Gin Blossoms, he was uber nice. Uber is German for "very." That is also true.

True story No. 5:
Wednesday, I will post the whole interview online. But until then, you can be content to find out more here.

True story No. 6:
I was going to use "Last to Know" or "'Til I Hear It From You" in the title of this blog post, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard the Gin Blossoms will release a new record this summer...