Wednesday, May 31, 2006

'The Graduate' author says: "It's not fair to say she threw us out. There was just a difference of opinion on the nudism."

I can't even believe this.

OK, I can see there being a sequel to "The Graduate." If it were 1965.

We all WERE left hangin' ... But I know I don't lose sleep over it. It probably won't be any good, and I'd be most interested if Simon & Garfunkel were going to do the soundtrack to this one, too (probably not). But this guy, the author of the novel "The Graduate," is just plain weird.

He's glad he didn't get any money for the movie. He's glad he was poor. He lived in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER (I don't know if the river part is true, but I am laughing at the Chris Farley image in my head, and the guy did say he lived in a van).

I also struggle with this part: It's not coming out 'til June 2007. GREAT. Now what am I supposed to read this summer?!

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