Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I'm baaaaaack

That's right. After a weekend full of (deep breath) long drives, time changes, 95-degree days, graduation parties, a meeting with the wedding decorator, picking out tuxedos for our wedding, shopping with Mom, shopping with my friend, hanging out with my family around the bonfire, sleeping in too late, chasing my parents' dog around the yard, going "awww" over the kittens in the barn, going on a bike ride, going to the bar, washing my car, getting thrown up on by a baby, going to the Dairy Whip, eating cheesy potatoes, getting sick of my CDs, driving the wrong way into a parade, getting cut off by some jerk in Indiana, narrowly escaping with my life, being bored to tears all the way to Wisconsin, and dragging myself back to work today ... inhale ... I am back.

And I'm tired.

And, I had all these exciting stories to tell you, and I was thinking of how I was going to phrase them in a blog, but then I just went ahead and gave away all the major points above, thus leaving my "exciting stories" seeming like, well, boring ones. But, there you have it. My holiday, where the streets have no names. Just letters. And numbers. And sometimes letters and numbers.

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