Monday, May 8, 2006

Four bad commericals. One good one.

I appreciate commercials less than the average person. I have a low tolerance for jingles (you do NOT need a song to sell me something, guys, so stop it). I loathe local, grainy video. I have a problem with the misuse of grammar and punctuation.

Some of the worst:
1. A car dealer in Michigan, who dressed up in cowboy gear and rode a horse. Never did you see a car. Not once. As a matter of fact, the only mobile objects were the horses.

2. A car stereo installer, Scuba Steve. Seriously. Click that link, turn up your speakers, and tell me you don't feel like punching Steve in the face. Now picture him in scuba gear (to sell stereos), floating across your screen. Now picture him saying "Turtle" at the end of every commercial, with no explanation. Ugh.

3. Kate Logan, Victory Honda of Monroe, Mich., who I loated so much that I included her in my goodbye column in college.

4. Stein's. Please. The singing. No more. Please? No more.

But, then there are good ones. Albeit not local, but nonetheless commercials I like watching. OK, only two of them. Any commercial with monkeys in suits in an office setting. I cannot help but laugh.

And, now, the new Apple commercials. They've got the cool guy (Mac) and the nerdy square guy, PC. And, unlike the previously mentioned commercials, I actually want to buy something. Like these. Holy crap. I just fell for a marketing ploy. Ugh. I feel so used.


Anonymous said...

hahahaaa. I totally love that commercial. the guy who plays the mac is the waiter from waiting with ryan reynolds....totally cheesy movie.

Deloris said...

Sundance Chevrolet commercials are the worst. I have always thought they were so stupid. Let's ride horses on the car lot.

How could you not like Scuba Steve? Turtle!

Deloris said...

Sundance Chevrolet commercials are the worst. I have always thought they were so stupid. Let's ride horses on the car lot.

How could you not like Scuba Steve? Turtle!

Krista said...

P.S. "Waiting" is a HILARIOUS movie. I loved it. And also, Ryan Reynolds is hot.

That's my two cents. The end.

Oh, except nothing tops the Nextel commercial with the three guys in the office with the boombox.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear Kate Logan annoys you, too. By the way, she's national . . . I'm in the Washington, DC area & she's here, too.