Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Did we just start planning?

We're looking at honeymoon deals. OK, so not really "deals," so much as "places."

We've not ever shopped for a honeymoon before, so we don't know where to start. Some place in the Caribbean? Heck no. Too hot. Somewhere overseas? Ha. No. Somewhere out west? No. Hot. Bugs. Sand. Sun. Blah. Somewhere down south? Bugs. Big bugs. No.

Which leaves the East Coast and Canada. Specifically, Quebec. I've been there. It's like Europe, only cheaper. And more English is spoken there. And there's no overseas flying. It's France Lite. It could be pretty sweet.

There's no done deal. I'm fickle. But I think we may have a winner.

Look at that. We're planning. Ha. The procrastinator and the indecisive one are planning. Ooh. Something new and different for us.

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