Thursday, February 9, 2006

Welcome to Erin's blog: Your home for NO Olympics coverage

It begins tomorrow. Good Lord. Help me. So here's how I plan to spend part of the 418 hours of NBC coverage:

1. Sleeping.
2. Working.

And now the fun stuff: My to-do list for the other 300 hours of the Olympics I won't be watching on TV.

1. Reading "Everything is Illuminated".

2. Breaking in my new Morningwood CD.

3. Playing Dr. Mario -- yeah, the old school, early 1990s version for Super Nintendo. If you pass level 20 (the highest level shown on the menu options), you go into this secret super level thing. I've made it to level 23. It's very anticlimatic, but I feel like a better person each time I beat level 20.

4. Planning my next trip home. It's gonna revolve around Mom and perhaps a certain Toledo band.

5. Catching up on movies I haven't seen in at least three days: "Play It Again, Sam," "Torn Curtain," and "Lifeboat."

6. Taking suggestions for local bands to go see. Post below.

And that, my friends, is how I will survive. That, and a lot of the Internet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I bought that Everything is Illuminated book but I haven't read it yet. let me know what you think. Because, I'm a busy man and can't read crap. yeah.
