Monday, June 19, 2006

'I've got visions of a small western town where the band plays all night, but it don't matter 'cuz there's no one around'

What're you doing July 1?

I know what I'd like to be doing. Road trip to Minnesota for Rediscover. You're driving. I call shotgun.

Come on. Let's go. Minneapolis. Rediscover and Action Action. Though I don't know if it's cool to admit you like Action Action. No matter. I'm so there. Maybe. What day of the week is that? Saturday? Yeah. Maybe.

Rediscover has a mysterious fourth bandmate. I'm intrigued. And I have like, one song from a sampler disc from Action Action. It's not bad, I guess. But Rediscover -- come on!


But, onto more realistic live music news, Wandering Sons are playing at Cranky Pat's in Neenah this weekend. Hmm ... Wandering Sons or Neal McCoy at Country USA ... Hmm. So many tough decisions. Unless a fire, flood or act of hillbilly fever hits, I will be at Cranky's. I just got the Sons' CD (well, OK, Dave did while he was at their last show), and I am addicted. I also stood next to them at Waterfest. Does that make me cool? No? I don't think so, either. There was no eye contact.


And, because it's my lucky music day, Neenah's Blueheels are playin' at Cranky's in Neenah next week, June 30. I'm so there.

(Photo: Rediscover, from their Web site; headline is from the Blueheels)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That County USA has a GREAT lineup...except for Neal. He is too old!