Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Billy, Blueheels and other "B" words

I like music. I like clothes. I like my life. Ergo, I am going to write about music and clothes and my life. I am 20something, and that's what I do best. So, I scoured the 'Net for the best in the Internet, but came up only with stuff I own and already knew. Ergo, I am sharing. I love "ergo."

>>Something Dave and our friend Tim helped get me: BILLY JOEL'S NEWEST CD, "12 Gardens." It's all live. All Billy. It even has a bonus track. Oh, man. You can sample a track or two here.

>>New (to those of you who don't know this, ha) in our area: The Blueheels have a new drummer. That's right. New Kentucky Quarter now has two members in The Blueheels. The drummer's the newest guy. Awesome. Dave and I went to see them last week at Water City Grill after Waterfest, and they rocked; sounded a lot more polished than they did a few months ago (and I thought they rocked then). They're playing Friday at Raven's in Appleton. Dave and I may be there. You should be too, then.

>>"Saved by the Bell" (got a "b" in there -- ha!) just doesn't seem to be makin' Screech any money, despite its syndication. Check out Dustin Diamond's attempts to keep his (Wisconsin!) house. Poor little guy. If you feel sorry for him, you should buy a T-shirt. It's like saving manatees, only ... wait a minute.

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