Tuesday, June 6, 2006

He's always a woman to me ... Wait, that came out wrong.

I foooound it, I foooound it. OK, so Pop Candy found it. But I found it from her finding it!


And you can hear his new CD here. This really is the best day of my life. (You can stream the music from that site until June 10.)

OK, so there are a few bummer points. None of the songs is new. He rocks live, but it just reminds me I'll probably never see him live. Bring on the tears, etc.

But come on, Billy Joel, man. "Laura"? "Scenes from an Italian Restaurant"? "Vienna"? It doesn't get much better than this. Well, I suppose if he were standing in my living room, singing them to me, that'd be better. But I'll take what I can get.

(Fun Billy Joel fact No. 46: When I was sick once in college, I got out a piece of notebook paper and pulled up my media player to listen to "We Didn't Start the Fire," and then I went through and found out what all of the words he says mean.
You know, "Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray, South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio ..." I memorized it, and felt all proud of myself ... and then I found some site like this one, and it totally made me feel like a loser for having spent all that time looking up why Richard Nixon's in the song twice. I have no shame.)

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