Monday, June 26, 2006

I just want to find a place to live and NEVER MOVE AGAIN (for a few years or something)

It's becoming increasingly harder to stay inside, as it's no longer 97 degrees, and it's not humid, either. But, instead of frolicking like children outside, Dave and I drove around all night, looking for places to live.

See, we conveniently planned the wedding exactly 15 days before our lease runs up. Uh, problem. I'm a control freak, and therefore I must know where we're going to live. I'm also indecisive. Own? Rent? What? (Hyperventilation) I just want to have a neat place to come home to every day. (Hyperventilation)

A place with air conditioning. A place with its own washer and dryer. Maybe a garage, one that's not leaning to one side. I also like street lights. Lights. Don't like being scared. OK. There. POOF. Where's my home? Point me in the right direction and I'll go.

And we know it's early, but we're anxious about getting it all sorted out before too long. After all, something tells me we're not going to want to be moving in lieu of getting married or going on our honeymoon.

I can hear it now: "Mommy, where did you go on your honeymoon?" "We went to the kitchen, honey, and wrapped dishes in newspapers, and then we went to the garage, and dumped that box over there, the contents of which are still a mystery."

Another twist to the tale is that we'll be getting all new items when we get married. Do we pack everything, or do we wait and see which we get new, and go from there? I have a feeling I'll be standing in my new kitchen worrying about where my three toasters go.

I suppose I can deal with the toaster problem later. It's this whole living thing that's getting me stressed out. And it's not even time to stress yet. Oh, man. And moving is something I'm way too tired of. This will be move No. 12 in my life. Never mind that it's only the sixth or seventh I've had to do as an adult. Never mind the rest weren't really long moves. Anyone who's moved will tell you it doesn't matter how far you move. It's that annoying packing, lifting, unpacking, washing, organizing routine that gets ya every time.

(Photo: From

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