Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Baaad music Wednesday

Not to rub it in or anything, but tomorrow's my Friday. And, to celebrate, some happy music (and, please, don't think that this means it's GOOD music. Nope. Just that it's happy, or masquerades as happy, or makes me happy; as a matter of fact, two or three of these I'd be embarrassed to admit to liking if this weren't the free-for-all blogosphere):

No. 1: Hot Chip: Let's not get all confused and think "Erin's into electronica??" No, not really. But Brit boys Hot Chip's sound's so different from anything I have, except maybe the Postal Service. Maybe. Though nothing will ever come close to replacing the Postal Service.

Moving on.

Hot Chip's got this sound that makes me want to either dance around my apartment or clean my apartment. I can't decide. I think maybe if I danced while cleaning AND while listening to Hot Chip, I'd totally be in nirvana. And, if you're into them, too, you should go to Milwaukee on Aug. 5, when they'll be at Onopa.

No. 2: Remember "Lovefool? That horrible song from Top 40 radio circa 1996? Yeah, it's totally track one on my newest mixed CD. Why? Because nothing sings summer like a band from Sweden.

No. 3: "Office." Not "The Office." Not "Microsoft Office." Not that place you get paid to sit in, surrounded by cloth-covered four feet walls. But Office. A band that's got a free download on iTunes this week, which isn't bad, not bad at all. The bad part is their Web site is impossible to find ("impossible": (adj., means "Erin did two Google searches and only came up with business-related stuff, and thus gave up."). I'd link to it, but I think a better idea is for YOU to find it and link to it for me. Thanks.

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