Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm pretty sure this guy's going to get fries thrown at him wherever he goes for a long time

Some communities and cities have restrictions on liquor licenses, strip clubs, buildings over X-stories high and above-ground pools. But I don't really see this taking off: Limiting fast-food joints. In New York City.

OK, so maybe half of New Yorkers are overweight (according to the story, man, I'm not calling New York obese). But all I know is, when I get a craving for a roast beef sandwich that's not really what I think it is, drowning in cheese that comes in a gallon can, I am willing to walk to extra block or three to get it. Much like people who like bars go to bar districts; and people who like their pools where they can see 'em across the yard move to the country, outside zoning laws, people are gonna eat their fries and greasy burgers and fake Mexican food. Of course if they had to walk farther to get it ... EXERCISE.

"SUPERSIZE IT, we're walking home!" OK, at least that's what I'd think.

(Photo: From the coolest site in the world,

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