Thursday, September 13, 2007

Oo la la! Le bébé!

When I found out I'd be babysitting my nephew while my in-laws go watch the Packers play in December (like I said here), I squealed.

So when Dave suggested we take Jack off his babysitter's hands for a day on our vacation next month, I stopped and stared. "Really!?? For real? For a whole day? And we can feed him and play with him and --"

"I think that's the idea," he said. "And you get to change diapers."

"OK! Awww, I'm so excited! Dave, we can play with him!"

"Yeah ... I know." He laughed.

Normal people do not exclaim like that over diapers, I realize that.

I also realize that photo of him is more than a year old, so he will be walking and whatnot. But come on, he lives eight hours away. You get the point. Aww.

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