Sunday, September 30, 2007

I won't be able to sleep

And it's not because of the mouse.

It's for the ring, which I get back tomorrow. I'm so excited to get it back that I think I'm going squeal. I'll probably take a photo and blog about how ridiculously huge it is and isn't it pretty! isn't it pretty! Tell me it's pretty!

And you'll say "yes." And "shut up."

This week is so exciting that I could squeal over a multitude of things. My ring. My haircut. My new clothes. My new cell phone that I get Saturday. The packing I get to do Thursday. The Gallery Walk Dave's showing in Saturday night. The one day of work next Sunday. The seeing of the baby, the moms, the stepdad, the dads, the sisters, the brothers, the Ohio. I am the excited.

Now, if tomorrow would just get here, that'd be swell.

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