Sunday, April 15, 2007

The sad part is, at the time, I thought I looked too young.

While going through the closet looking for items we don't need anymore, I ran across this old camcorder I had in college. Nothing scandalous was on the tapes that were with it, but I got caught up in watching a half hour of wasted nights of my youth (ha) -- hanging out with my friends and an ex-boyfriend and a couple one-on-one diary-like entries from yours truly, rambling and giving a boring tour of an apartment I lived in freshman year.

At the time, though I can't remember, I probably thought I was preserving some important moment of life snapshot for the grandkids, presuming they'd have the technology to watch it.

But instead of feeling nostalgic or anything, I just realized how tired, bad complected and older I look now, after five years.

Now I'm torn between taping myself now so I'll feel more confident about how I look today compared to five years from now, and selling it so I won't have to feel like this again in five years when I re-find it.

This is kind of depressing.

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