Sunday, April 8, 2007

I love the hollow bunnies, because I can scoop peanut butter in them. It's really healthy, I'm sure

When the rest of your family's getting together for Easter some eight hours away and you have to go to work, it's really hard to be optimistic about anything.

It's sunny out and 20 degrees? Whine. Can't find a match to that sock? Let's cry about it. Shampoo in your eye? Someone, call a therapist. Seriously. Ugh. WHY is this shirt so ITCHY. Why am I so TIRED. Why is it SUNDAY. Why is the dryer so LOUD.

Why did I run out of things to complain about! Someone! Do something! Ugh.


I don't think hiding Easter eggs in the backyard for Dave to find would be nearly as exciting as spending a holiday with family, even though Easter isn't technically a holiday to anyone but a banker or government employee. I mean, come on. Eating olives right outta the jar. Buttered rolls. Cheesy potatoes. Turkey. Chocolate bunnies filled with peanut butter. Pie. Can't beat that.

Come to think of it, it's probably better for my sodium and fat levels that I stayed here. Hm. Yeah, I'll live longer.

OK. Wow. I feel better already. And five pounds lighter. Bring it on, Monday.

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