Thursday, April 12, 2007

Irrational anger toward someone who probably lost the DVD while helping an old lady cross the street

Dear Person Who Checks Things Out of the Library and Doesn't Return Them:

You're that person who broke the tips off my new markers in second grade. You're the one who didn't care that you ruined the extra minutes of recess option for everybody with your stupid ape-teacher impersonation. And it wasn't even funny. We didn't even fake-laugh.

You're the one who walks around town without knowing you ruined a good 10 seconds of my night. How do you sleep at night, knowing in December 2005 you had a DVD checked out, the third in a series of five, "for Oshkosh holds only," when the others are "for Neenah holds only," and YOU KEPT IT.

I hope you're happy, "Long Overdue." Scoff.


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