Thursday, November 15, 2007

I also hated how "Who Let the Dogs Out" was played at every pep rally. We get it. We're the Bulldogs. ENOUGH ALREADY.

I was that annoying girl in your senior class who thought everything was stupid.

I hated having three study halls and not being able to leave the building. How stupid. I hated having classes with freshmen. I hated being forced to go to pep rallies. Stupid. I couldn't wait til I was 18! I was so out of this stupid town! I was going places! I hated everything and everyone! Insert slamming the locker door shut and stomping to government.

But now I'm missing a few things. Just a few, though. Let's not get too excited.

Like the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, when the cafeteria would serve two globs of boxed mashed potatoes with shredded turkey on top, and Nickel's Bakery rolls with butter, and a little heap of peach crisp? Sigh. We stood in line for 20 minutes for that stuff. I've never spent a better $1.50.

Then there were the movie days; I guess it was pointless to try to teach us stuff right before the holiday, so here! Let's watch a movie. Yer teacher needs a smoke, so sit down and shut up and watch the movie.

And the days off ... Not that there was much to do in a town of 2,000-some people, but still. It FELT like freedom. No school, man! No one's here to hold me down! Except my mom, she's making me sweep and dust. GOSH, no one UNDERSTANDS me.

Still don't miss the other things. But I'd sell my dog for a tray of that turkey-mashed potato stuff and a few freebie days off. OK, maybe not my dog.


Anonymous said...

For your viewing pleasure:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I completely and entirely miss the pre-Thanksgiving high school cafeteria experience now, thank you. Mmm. Turkey a la King, I believe it was. With a HEAPING helping of apple crisp (because we always re-cut the pre-cut pieces to steal an extra half). Yum.

Bethany K. Warner said...

I understand the pep rally thing.
And I was a bulldog in high school too. Yeah. That song... annoying as all get-out.