Monday, July 16, 2007

Like we've NEVER traveled this route before

"MOM," I said angrily on the cell phone in the car, heading to Ohio.

"ERIN." She was mocking me.

"Guess where I was five minutes ago?"

"I don't know ... Where?"



"Michigan, Mom. Dave took us to Michigan," I said to her on the phone.


"Michigan. He said we were in Gary," I said.

"If we would've taken MY way," Dave started to say beside me, loud enough for my mom to hear.

"Mom. He SAID we were in Gary. That means we would've been right there to take the RIGHT way."

"I saw a Gary police car when you asked me where we were," he said in his own feeble defense.

"But we were PAST Gary."

"YOU were navigating!"

"I was reading! You didn't ask me where we were until we were past where we needed to be, and how was I supposed to know?"

"I can't wait for you two to be here so I can hear you fight in person," Mom said.

After I hung up, I looked at Dave, thinking about the time we went to Rhinelander on accident. About the time we took an hour and a half to get to my mom's house from our apartment in Michigan, an hour away. All the times we've gotten lost.

"We're just not meant to go anywhere," I said.

"We'll laugh about this."

I laughed. "Ahh. We suck."

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