Sunday, May 20, 2007

Planting, or lack thereof, part one

We went to the Festival of Spring, ostensibly to enjoy the nice weather and maybe pick up a plant or two.

We went home with two box lids full. Yup. 'Twas a good, successful time. Carrying them home with our friends (because we'd walked, as parking would've made it pointless to drive), I was already planning how I'd organize them in the newly demolished rock garden that was my back yard. We ran inside and changed, coming back out in our yard work best.

But when we got outside and saw the plants we'd set on the deck it was "wow, look at that! Lunch time." And you know, we agreed, these plants would look so much better if we had some bushes!

So we did what any procrastinating couple would do. We called our friends. Would we like to lunch? Yes. We'd like to. So we spent an hour eating outside a restaurant downtown before following them to a flower nursery outside of town.

And it was ... incredible.

I wanted to keep grabbing left and right and putting plants on the cart. Finding the plants was easy. (Planting was that messy part.) We told our friends we'd all go home, plant and then meet up for dinner or a drink. Because that was the plan. Work. In the yard. Yard work. It was supposed to be done.

Then Dave and I went searching for those bushes that, oh yeah, we still wanted. But it looked like rain, so we ran to the car and got home to plant the flowers.

We weeded a section that had previously been called the Dandelion Garden and then dang, it looked like rain. We put the flowers by the house and ran inside. Dave collapsed (not literally of course, or this blog would have a far more dramatic title) on the living room floor. I curled up on the recliner. And we didn't get up.

"It's not raining that hard," I said, pulling back the curtains.

"Yeah, we should go out and start again," he said, not moving.


Minutes passed.

"Well. I'm going to go take a shower," I said.

"All right," Dave said as he headed toward the couch.

When we met back with our friends later, they asked if we'd gotten everything planted. We laughed. Did we get everything planted? No, but we thought about it. And in our minds, it looked really, really good.

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