Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I've not killed anything in a while.

I sold my first big item on today -- the table I set on fire around the holidays. The fire damage is minimal and I totally posted a photo of it, so no one should be surprised when they come to pick it up tomorrow. It doesn't even stink like burning wood anymore, so there's that.

We started posting about $250 worth of stuff online about three weeks ago in the hopes of using that money and money we've been hiding in jars in the back yard* to get a new car soon, or getting a little entertainment center-ish thing that doesn't have those round white and brass knobs and beveled edges in that nice garage-sale, beat-up, pop-stained untreated pine.

But now, I'm really hoping to get flowers and a couple bushes instead. Cars ... they're expensive and they look nice, but not that nice. Flowers, they look better. And I don't leave home that much, anyhow.

I've not killed the greenery we have that sprouted up that the previous owners planted, and the boxwoods we bought a couple weeks ago are still green.

(Don't get me started on the house plant I've been killing since November, which was in the basement for a while and thrived, and now that I lovingly put it in sunlight and watered it, it's dying.)

Maybe this is a new leaf for us. A green one, unmarked by death and dried-out roots. Or maybe the thought of another car payment just made me get an ulcer.

*Not actually true. So don't come digging up in my yard.

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