Friday, December 23, 2005

O Brothers, Where Art Thou

Today is a highly important day for me, my brothers and the dog. Rest that dog's soul. Oh Spanky.

Today is Christmas Eve Eve, and when we were younger (read: until last year), it meant we didn't have school, Mom still had to work and we had the house to ourselves. Festivities on Christmas Eve Eve involved shaking the presents that were under the tree, stealing items from each others' room to wrap up and give back again the next night, and eating all the candy Mom had made the weekend before. Sometimes, if we begged enough, we'd get to open one gift when Mom got home from work.

Sigh. Those were the days.

Today would be a great time to ponder over Eve Eves past, but I don't have that much time. Instead, I'm wondering what happened to that whole family thing. I mean, I'm really close with my mom, but my brothers? Not so much. We had so much fun on Eve Eve, and now it's weird to even talk to them on the phone.

If I were able to do math, I'd insert some fact about spending no more than 16 years of my life with my brothers, and the rest of my life with my fiance, and then our (unconceived, unborn, don't-get-any-ideas) children. I guess it's logical that we'd grow apart. And there was this story I read that said friends are the new family, which proves to be true in both my parents' lives. Is it inevitable that siblings grow apart? Probably. I'm sure moving to Wisconsin played a part in that, too.

I'll see them tomorrow, and we'll laugh and have fun, but I don't know what's going on in their lives. I don't know how school's going for them, or how their significant others are. I guess I could ask. Hm. Maybe I will. Or, maybe we'll just watch "A Christmas Story" instead. Hm. (Pondering.) I don't know.

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