Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fazolis, weather maps and job searches

Because I am a picky eater, I don't really get into the whole "food" thing. And that includes going out to eat. I have my one "Italian" restaurant (the quotation marks are because I have to admit, Fazolis isn't really that Italian), my two pizza places, my one fast-food place. I know what I like, and I don't like trying new foods. Period. Most food is gross.

So, if I can make a confession, it's this: this summer, when I was looking for a job, I was looking (at first) around Ohio/Kentucky/Pennsylvania (not Indiana. Nothing happens in Indiana). Then, my search expanded to include Tennessee, New York, Virginia, Wisconsin and Illinois. Then, out of hunger and desperation, it pretty much included the whole country. World. Universe.

While I was in my "Ohio-esque" zone, I knew I was all right. Life could pretty much stay the same, climate-wise (couldn't live in the South, I can't stand being hot; couldn't live in the Southwest because it's too dry and sunny, etc.), cost-of-living wise, and Mom-wise. Meaning, if there were a fire, flood or proverbial act of God in Ohio, I could get to my mom's house in one day or less.

This made Washington State a poor candidate for "Erin's first job."

But, I was hungry, remember. Starving, I believe I might say (though it is a bit dramatic). But I applied to a newspaper in Longview, Wash., interviewed on the phone, and thought that was the end of it. But, just in case, I looked up "Fazolis" on the Web. There isn't a Fazolis within a day's drive of Longview. Whoa. Not to mention Mom was way out of the picture. Literally. I mean, when I'm watching the weather on the 5 p.m. news in Wisconsin, I can see Ohio sometimes, depending on where the meteorologist is standing. In Ohio, Lake Winnebago was on our weatherman's map. In Washington, it'd be like ... impossible to see past, what? What's out there? Idaho?

And that pretty much put the nail in that ol' coffin. Starving or not, there was no Fazolis, no Meijer (it's a store like Wal-Mart, but with more heart, soul and health benefits) and no Mom on the weather map.

But I got the job. I mean, I was offered the job. I got engaged around noon, and got offered the job around 2 that same day. It was the weirdest moment in my happy day. I stammered something like "uh, I have to think about it," and hung up really quickly. By then, I'd already had my heart on Wisconsin, and I'd already interviewed there. Plus, Wisconsin has many Fazolis, is three hours away from Meijer (not that I drive that, but I suppose I could), and I can see Mom on the weather map.

Uh, duh.

So I called Mr. Washington back and apologized and said we'd have to see other people. It's not you, it's me. Etc.

Ain't nobody going to take my Fazolis away. Not even if there are benefits and a salary. You know how long it'd take me to find a Fazolis replacement? Don't even get me started.

I don't like to think of it so much as me not wanting to move to Washington as I think of it as me not wanting to leave my Midwestern roots for ... um ... Western roots.

Plus, I may have to watch Brian Williams at 5:30 and nightly news at 10, but I'd be in a whole new world in Washington. They don't speak Midwestern. Pacific time. Puh-leeze.

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