Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Construction paper, anyone?

I thought that this week would be like the week before the holidays in elementary school. We would be all excited, the week would go slowly, and we'd get in trouble for not paying attention. We'd make snowflakes on white construction paper and hang them in the windows. We'd color pictures for Santa. We'd watch movies while our teachers stood in the hall and gossiped. You know, normal pre-holiday stuff.

But alas, 'tis not the case. I don't think we even have white construction paper at work.

The bad news is it feels like any other week. The good news is, it's not. And it's not going that slowly.

I woke up this morning (against my will, like every morning), and thought it was Tuesday, for like a whole half hour. I thought about all the things I had left to do this week, as far as work goes. I thought about what I should wear today since I had four other days to think about this week. I thought about how I had a few days to start laundry, and I told myself I should start getting gifts and the suitcase around Thursday, so around Wednesday I should make a list of stuff I can't forget to bring home.

But it IS Wednesday. I can't think of a better feeling at 8 a.m. Wait, yes I can. It would've been better if it were really Friday. But let's get real. I'd KNOW if it were Friday.

I don't remember being this excited to go home since I came home from the Netherlands. Yet, maybe it's because it's just a normal work week (since Christmas is on Sunday), or maybe it's because - unlike third grade - I actually have work that needs to be done. If I don't get it done, the consequences would be deeper than missing recess. But I'm forgetting to be excited. I'm forgetting to be giddy and ancy (spelling? anyone?) about going home, until I look at the calendar.

This is probably a good thing since, as I remember, I don't get much other work done when there are paper snowflakes to be made.

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