Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Getting lost is an everyday thing for me now.

I don't think I can stress enough how much I miss really knowing a city. Take getting lost, for instance.

There's the whole map thing. I'm horrible with them. I can map out a trip just fine, but when I get behind the wheel, suddenly my internal compass goes awry and I'm turning left to go right. Does that make sense? No? Well, it doesn't when I'm driving, either. I can't hardly get to the grocery store without a big hassle (read: someone in the seat beside me). I can drive to the mall 20 minutes away like nobody's business, but that's a whole 'nother story.

But "getting lost" also means "getting lost in conversation."

When you're with people you know well, talking about subjects you know well, you feel so in control. At least I do. But I can't talk politics or "Did you see that thing that ran in The Blade?" I can't do it. There is no Blade. And I don't know who anyone is. I don't know the backstories. I haven't followed any 200-part "Coin-gate" series on anyone like The (Toledo) Blade has been running for the last century. (Sidebar: Please don't, under any circumstance, put "-gate" behind any old scandal. Let's reserve it for Watergate. Seriously, Blade, it's not creative. It's lazy. And annoying. End sidebar conversation.)

I feel lost.

When people talk about mayors or politicians, congressmen or the local police chief, I am already in over my head. Ask me about Ohio Gov. Bob Taft (who has the lowest approval rating of any governor in Ohio history, and in most states' histories)! Ask me about Carty Finkbeiner (Toledo's soon-to-be "let's try this again" mayor who has his own Trivial Pursuit question ["Which controversial Ohio city mayor suggested moving deaf people to live near the airport to reduce air traffic noise complaints? CARTY"]!

This is stuff I know. Granted, there's no big election I need to be studying up on, and I'm not really all that into voting ("Huge Democracy Geek Even Votes in Primaries" -- not I).

But mostly, I'd just like to be able to follow a conversation, and get all the jokes.

Or, I'd like to be able to get to a grocery store without someone going "turn left. No, I said 'left.'" Riiiight. Left.

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