Shopping is bonding
Shopping isn't unlike dancing. You've got to have the right partner, or else it's just frustrating. Some won't give their opinion at all. Others seem to be so bored with your quest for the Perfect Purse that they seem near tears. A few give their opinions on ev-er-y-thing, so you think that maybe, your breathing? Is it too shallow? Too loud? Can you hear it? Is it OK? Am I breathing right for you?
And that's just tiring.
Shopping with your mom? It's honesty, free space and just enough politeness to avoid getting in huffy arguments.
Dave's a good shopper (really!) and I wouldn't trade going shopping with Becky for much, but with Mom I can tell it like it is.
"Mom. Two words: Ugly. Uglier. No, one word. 'No.'"
And that's considered welcome feedback. Isn't it awesome.
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