Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of my DVD collection

Tonight, A non-cable subscriber's worst nightmare.

So I'm digging into my DVD files. If you remember, I've got stuff I just can't let go of. Kid stuff. TV movies. Etc.

But I'll tell you what I do have: a great collection of old stuff. Tonight, instead of watching the State of the Union, which is boring and can be summed up in a 10-inch article the next morning, I'll be hanging with Hitchcock. Or Woody. Cary Grant. Orson Welles. Or maybe I'll take out the Super Nintendo and hang out with Mario. Whatever. The point is, I won't be watching Bush.

I don't care if I only get NBC. You can't make me watch!

It's not that I don't care. But I get a little angry when I don't have choices. Least favorite phrase: "Well, you don't have a choice." Least favorite TV moments: Only getting NBC, State of the Union, football, golf, and March Madness. Least favorite things to do: Watch people talk about what's just been talked about. The words "continuous coverage" when we're talking about the State of the Union. Come on. Seriously, NBC. Stop it.

Yeah, it's important. He's the president, I suppose we should listen so we can get Leno's jokes. But ... gosh.

NBC should think of us -- the people who rely solely on NBC for TV entertainment. Or, those of us who don't like watching the president talk about stuff. Why? Why NBC? Why?

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