Sunday, July 30, 2006

"We'll always have Oshkosh ..."

I don't know if it was the champagne cocktails (no, I didn't really have them) or the awesome weather, but Friday night's Free Movies in the Park was a good time. I'd never been before -- not to Oshkosh's, and not to any city's -- so this was all new to me. I was a bit nervous it'd be a bunch of idiots talking and ruining my movie experience (yeah, experience), but it was actually just other people, laying on blankets. That made me happy.

And this week it was "Casablanca," which is only one of my most favorite movies of my 20-some years.

"Oh, Rick ..."

I may go again, but this next Friday would be the only one; "Hook" is playing then. I'm not a big "Zathura" fan, which rounds out this year's lineup.

Friday was pretty entertaining all around; Dave and I went to EAA AirVenture again, and this time actually stayed to watch the air show. I was impressed -- but even more so was I impressed that I didn't pass out from sun/heat exhaustion and near-life-threatening blisters. Visiting EAA: Good. Wearing new shoes to visit EAA: VERY BAD. In the spirit of those who'd gone before me, I cried out "Go on without me, I can't make it any further," offering up my water bottle and free NASA sticker to Dave as I struggled to walk on my tip-toes back to the car in my new shoes.

Needless to say I managed to keep on going. And, also needless to say, I think I've successfully broken in those shoes.

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