Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hooray for local bands, part XIV

Sometimes I listen to local bands and I have to say "Yeah, neat," because they're OK, they've got enough talent for a roomful of college kids to appreciate, but yet I have to concede that they're just OK. I maybe have their songs in my head, if I know them personally I might go to their Myspace page and download the song, and I totally like seeing them live (see the awesome-to-see-live Toledo band Separation Tree, or the catchy Toledo band The Stylex). But, again, they're just OK.

I think I've found a local band that's more than just OK in my book, world. Meet The Obsolete Machines. They're from Oshkosh, and they consist of a 24-year-old guy and a 23-year-old woman who make electronic pop music.

I'm not saying they're on their way to Grammy fame or anything, but their songs have more than a fighting chance at making it to the "played more than once" pile in my iTunes. You can read more about them on Wednesday in The Northwestern, as they're our Artists of the Week this week.

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