Friday, December 7, 2007

Did you HEAR that?

It's easy to feel not-pregnant sometimes now, because the nausea's disappeared and the maternity pants have yet to move from where I put them last week -- in my drawer.

But at the doctor today, seeing the scale finally move upwards -- an occurrence I thought as a woman I'd feel guilty about, but instead laughed a little when the doctor looked at the chart and said "Well, you're putting on some pounds!" -- finally helped me feel better.

What made me soar a bit was hearing the heartbeat. Loud. About 150-some times a minute.

I kept laughing and making the Doppler device blow out like a bad stereo, and then holding my breath and waiting as the nurse moved it around on my stomach. I looked up at the ceiling and waited for her to find the heartbeat back after I giggled and lost it. Glancing over at Dave, his face was a mix of "wow, that's great" in a Ben Stein-type way and "Really? that's a heartbeat?" Later, I asked him if he thought that was as cool as I thought it was. "Yeah. I just don't have something growing inside me. Nothing ever happens to guys."

Well. Maybe he should try to get pregnant. Cuz this is AWESOME.

Additionally, Jan. 18 is the day we get to find out the s-e-x. Now you know.

Picture: Taken about six weeks ago ... Just thought I'd share

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Anonymous said...

