Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hello, 2008

Well, we're officially less exciting than my parents, who celebrated the new year.

Unfortunately the $150 copay plus the prescription we got after going to the emergency room on Saturday was all for nothin', as Dave now feels worse a day after taking his last antibiotic. WebMD.com is telling him he's got everything from a teeny, tiny case of cancer to SUDDEN DEATH, PLEASE REPORT TO THE MORGUE NOW.

Sooo, my romantic, last-New-Year's-Eve-before-the-baby was spent with Dave on the couch after he got home from work, listening to him go "ughhhhhhhhhhhh" and "But what if I AM DYYYYing?"

He didn't die. As a matter of fact, he's quite alive, quite ably doing the front page right now, as I take a short break from working on New Year's Day.

His death was narrowly skirted, and we went to bed by 10 p.m., and slept 'til 10 a.m.

The most special part of the whole night? Getting to explain to Dave that just because the thermometer said his temperature was 95 degrees didn't mean his temperature was 95 degrees. Ahh, sigh. It just means, sweet Dave, that you can't take a drink of water before you try measuring body temperature. Really. Yes, that cold water? It affects the temperature in your mouth. It's science. You can't argue.

Next time I'll tell him about how to take a baby's temperature. I would've last night, but ... well, he was already in a fragile state.

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