Sunday, November 19, 2006

Free to a good home: "Triceratops, Or Half Of It, Anyhow."

My first official "In-laws" visit came and went, and was relatively painless. With the exception of a minor, tiny, insignificant detail ... Or about 156 minor, tiny, insignificant details. Sitting in my living room in boxes. And dresser drawers. And bags.

Our parents are all looking forward to getting our belongings out of the house. Mine are coming Wednesday to bring me, of all things, my bike, my dollhouse from 1989, and some lawn chairs we couldn't fit in our own cars any time we were driving back from Ohio. Oh, and the wedding pictures.

His parents brought -- drumroll, please -- two coffee tables, a desk chair, a dresser, a partridge, a pear tree, less than half of a triceratops, some mini baseball helmet bowls, a football sign that was later determined to belong to Dave's brother, two football helmets, Little League trophies, books, a school workbook, a shelf, one sweet chair his grandpa made and seven lifetime's worth of Americana, boyhood "stuff."

Dave loved it. For a second. Then he realized "Oh, God, yeah, I'm married. And ... oh, no, my wife's not going to like this triceratop head on our coffee table."

And that's where he was right. Because I'm uptight sometimes, and that's only made worse by the thought of half-finished dinosaur models taking over my living room.

But there's happy ending. We didn't fight. For much longer than a few seconds. He threw a lot away. He hid the rest in the basement and a closet. It's out of sight. It's out of my mind.

And I'm pretty sure that's how most packrat marriages start.

(Photo: Apparently, I should've kept these bowls. They're going for a whole $9 on right now. DANGIT.)


Anonymous said...

"Because I'm uptight sometimes" HA! I got such a good chuckle from that comment!!

Anonymous said...

$9 is a steal for those bowls. Old logos on many of them, so you know they don't make them like that anymore. Did the trash get picked up yet? I would take them off your hands if you're willing to fight off the raccoons to pick 'em out of the garbage cans.

Erin said...

The bowls are currently on their way in a garbage bag to my husband's parents house in Cincinnati (who took the trash so we wouldn't have to get rid of it?).

I'll keep you posted if they go back to the basement at their house.