Thursday, November 24, 2005

The worst day ever

I am so tired. Last week, The Fiance and I heard that the apartment we're still paying rent on in Michigan had a "really strong chance" of being rented by someone else, thus breaking our lease.
Yesterday, we found out the rental agents don't think that'll happen anymore. We're stuck another month. This could go on until April.
Why is this a big deal? Because at the end of the month, like last month, I'll have $200. Oh, and how convenient that the two school loans I have are about $200 a month, starting at the beginning of December. Merry Christmas. Plus the credit card bill, the cell phone bill, the electricity bill (for Michigan, because they can't turn the electricity off, even though the heat is included in the rent and therefore wouldn't be extra anyhow), the local phone bill, the Internet. Dang.
Since I thought I'd have an extra $680 a month, I thought I could go wedding dress shopping this weekend when Mom comes up. Now I don't even want to. And I was going to look for a new car, since the 1990, 201,000-mile car I have now just isn't going to make it much longer. Now I can't.
I realize this will all pay off in the long run. I mean, I moved here for a job that I like, and will stay at for a while. But dang, what I wouldn't do to have the whole state of Michigan fall into a Great Lake.
I have little hope someone will rent the place out. Seriously. Who moves to Adrian, Mich.? It's in the middle of nowhere and somewhere-you-don't-want-to-be. Scratch that. It is somewhere you don't want to be.
I feel really sick to my stomach. I wish I hadn't found out that we were going to pay double rent for December until after this weekend. But I have to send both rents out Friday.
I hate life right now. Pretty badly.
Dang, and I hate complaining about money. But who else will I complain to, Dearest Blog? This is life. I gotta talk about it.

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