Saturday, November 26, 2005

Christmas, lists, and the inlaws

Christmas is about one of my favorite things in the whole entire world, and I make out Christmas lists like other women paint their nails (often and in shiny colors) (insert confused look here). Yet, somehow, when The Fiance's Mom calls and asks for one, I can't seem to get out anything but a shy "I don't knooow." We're talking blushing, face gets hot, I start thinking about bolting for the nearest door. Then I remember I'm 12 hours away from her, and that by running out the door, my cell phone will cut out and she'll just call back until she gets an answer. (What is this, "Night Stalker"?)

(It should be noted I haven't actually seen that movie, and am not sure it exists, but it's the only title with "stalker" in it that I could think of so quickly.) She's relentless. I really admire that in her. For instance, if she wants to talk to The Fiance, she'll call his cell. Then our apartment. Then my cell. Then back to his to leave a message. Then back to the apartment to leave another message. She's good.

But doesn't she realize that I haven't really had inlaws before? I don't know how to act yet. I have to find my equilibrium (and I said science was a waste of time, scoff). At least I like his family. Most of the time (not the time they chased me around the basement at Christmas last year with a frozen cow tongue) (why didn't I take that as a sign?) (just kidding). Besides the four years of practice with The Ex-Boyfriend's family, I'm still pretty new to this.

I still get a little pouty when I have to leave my Christmas party for HIS. In my head is a little 5-year-old, stomping her feet and saying "I don't WANNA go!") On the outside, is me, smiling. I get a little nervous when the "grandkids" get brought up. (Don't rush me.)

Where is that line with the sign next to it that says "Do Not Cross"? I don't know.

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